Happy New Year
>> Friday, December 31, 2010
Here's wishing you the best for 2011. I had a pretty eventful year. Here's a quick summary:
- Started off the year with a broken foot. Then my mom smashed my hand with the car door (by accident of course) and I sprained my middle finger and my nail ended up black.
- Began my series of doctor visits, blood tests, ultrasounds, etc.
- Found out about my non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.
- Our spanish branch became a ward.
- My husband got called to be first counselor in the bishopbric.
- Found out I had PCOS.
- Graduated from ASU with a Bachelor's in Landscape Architecture and a minor in Urban Planning. Greatest challenge and rewarding experience. No more sleepless nights in studio.
- Went on a roadtrip to San Diego with friends to attend a sealing in the San Diego Temple. Wow! let me just say, it is one of the most beautiful temples I have ever seen.
- I turned 23!
- Started a rigorous diet to help with the liver and PCOS, thanks to my naturopathic doctor. Lost about 10-15 pounds, but since gained it back again :(
- Moved out of our first apartment, downgraded to a smaller one to save money to buy a house
- My sister had a baby! Riot, the very first grandson in the Garza family :) He's such a cutie!
- From my husband's side, we also had 3 new babies born into the family.
- Photography business has really set off this year. Lots of weddings/sealings, and family sessions. Thanks everyone who has helped me expand my portfolio.
Whew! I'm missing of course a considerable amount of events, but this is one of the ones that stood out more. Hope everyone has goals and dreams to look forward. After all, who doesn't like a little challenge? For me, it'll be finding a job, launching my new photography website, keeping up with this blog, saving up to buy a house, buy a house, have a baby? maybe on the last one. I need to keep working on my family history work, scripture study with the hubby, take more pictures, and overall be happy :)
By the way, if anyone's up for last minute party crafts for new year's take a look here:http://www.designspongeonline.com/2010/12/beyond-the-big-day-a-sparkly-new-years.html

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