Weekend Do's and Don'ts
>> Sunday, April 10, 2011
Do enjoy the 45 degree weather in AZ, considering it was 100 last week.
Do take advantage of the overcast to take gorgeous pictures (senior session which I'll put up on my photography Facebook page soon)
Do sleep in and have some much needed rest
Do visit family and friends and have a good time
DO NOT EAT possibly undercooked grilled chicken
DO NOT GET a cold from enjoying aforementioned weather
DO NOT GET food poisoning which will result in BAD stomach pains, countless trips to the bathroom, missing church, and spending most of the day sleeping/curling up in pain
DO NOT get addicted to Angry Birds. It will make you angry when you can't pass a level.
Possibly too much information with the 3rd don't, but hey skip over that part. I've been sleeping since 11 pm last night and my body still feels tired. But I did have a good weekend overall. Hopefully I feel way better tomorrow cause the hubby and I are going to the zoo! :)
i've eat under cook chicken it is gross
Write it in Lipstick
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