Friday night and I just got paid...

>> Monday, June 13, 2011

RA sushi is so good! 
the whole gang. 
The in-laws Aaron & Clarissa
Rudy & Adriana
the besties- Edward & Denis

 The MacFarlane's- Daniel, Dacil & Ian
 the girls. 
 Enzo's Gelato. This place is legit
 Can't forget the guys

My blog title reminds me of the *NSync song "Just Got Paid" haha. I remember dancing to it in dance class freshmen or sophomore year. Lol ah the memories. A bunch of us got together for dinner on friday night and we had a blast. All except Aaron and Clarissa (brother and sister in-law) go to the same ward together. It's so great to have couple friends. It's funny because we all got married within months of each other. Edward and Denis in December of '08, Aaron and Clarissa and Daniel and Dacil in April '09. Then Rudy and Adriana in May and us in July.
Anyways, sushi from RA is soo good and I had leftovers for lunch- yum! Then we headed to Enzo's Gelato. A medium cup of mango, chocolate, and coconut was just the perfect combination. Reminds me of my trip to Europe. My last night in Rome, Italy my friends and I had decided to stay up all night and buy a kilo of Gelato. I don't think we were able to finish it. But hey, we were ambitious. Not to mention exhausted the next day but we did have plenty of hours to sleep on the flight back home. One day, I'll go back! Anyways, back to friday night. To end the night, we all headed to my new casa (which I still need to blog about I know) to watch True Grit.

We are almost completely organized here at home, but work is keeping me from taking the time to put up pictures/decorate/etc. On a different note... guess what?! I went to another acupuncture session and they ran some labs and it looks like my liver enzyme levels are almost completely back to normal. I can almost say I have no liver disease! It's funny because my regular doctors told me there was really nothing I could do and that I'd probably get cirrhosis in 20 years- wha?! yeah... not a good option for me. But anyways, my naturopathic doctors have been great. I'm going tomorrow for another session. Next, I need to control my PCOS. Haven't gotten my period since march and my face is breaking out like crazy and I look so fat and bloated that I'm pretty sure people think I'm at least 3 months preggo. sigh. I really do exercise and eat healthy. I promise. My body's just a tad bit confused right now.
Other than that, Life is good :)


Jenni Austria Germany June 13, 2011 at 4:09 AM  

a kilo of gelato? nice.
sushi, gelato and an nysnc song - sounds like an awesome fri night to me.

Melissa: Write it in Lipstick June 14, 2011 at 2:27 AM  

looks like an awesome time, I so want some sushi lie now :)

p.s. what is True Grit about?

Steph @ somewhatsimple June 23, 2011 at 9:26 PM  

This is a great post! Your blog is beautiful!

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This is a blog of all things that inspire me: photography, graphic design, interior design, landscape architecture, crafts, and other cool blogs I've come across. From time to time, you may get to see what I'm up to too!

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